Books, Scotland & More in Chicago April 2012

Online registration for the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, April 11 – 15, 2012 is open!

Are you going?

There’s tons of panels and chats and parties for writers, readers, booksellers and librarians, YA fans, everyone!
And of course, book-signings, like the one pictured here.
The hotel is the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, which looks beautiful – and convenient for the airport. 

As always, I am on the Faery Court, hosting the Faery Ball. This year we’re doing a Magical Scottish Fling and encouraging our guests to attend in a Scots-themed costume. Something out of Scottish myth and legend, a character from your favorite Scottish historical or person from Scottish history, or even the embodiment of your favorite Scottish song or poem! 
You love Robert Burns’ Red, Red Rose? Come in a gown of red rose blossoms and petals! 
There will be a costume contest, of course, and – new this year – a drawing for three mega-baskets of gifts. Not just promo stuff. Actual cool gifts.
It’s going to be fantastic. 
This year I am also hosting a readers’ panel and, as you can see, I have awesome company (panel info below). Please join us for the Naked Truth about Scotland!
Hope I see y’all at the Convention!


Everything you ever wanted to know about Scotland. Not only what a gentleman wears under his kilt, but also: If the rebels supported Bonnie Prince Charlie, why are they called Jacobites? Are Bloody Mary and Mary, Queen of Scots the same person? What is a Burns supper and is haggis really as disgusting as it sounds? If you love Scotland, join us for an interactive chat about this unique land.
Hosts: Loretta Chase, Donna Grant, Sahara Kelly, Kimberly Killion, Cathy Maxwell, Susanne Saville, Veronica Wolff

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