Sound Clip from Vampire Close If you’re interested: here’s the audio book on Audible
Interview with NICHOLAS LEA
Interview with Nicholas Lea at DragonCon Sunday 6 September 2015 Periodically I ask People I Really Like if I can interview them for the segment of my website I call The Chatty Cat Cafe. Nicholas Lea being one of those People, I requested an interview at DragonCon. He graciously agreed….
CosPlay Is Killing Creators
So today I was reading this article where the wife of a Star Wars artist blames cosplayers for comic creators not making money at conventions. I must say my first thought was, “Who goes to San Diego Comic-Con for comics?” Which is obviously sad in a way, since it originally…
Reminding y’all about Adam Howden (again)
Adam Howden is supposed to be signing at 12pm and he’s on the voice acting panel at 3:30pm. So. Are you at the London Comic Con – MCM Expo? Share pictures! Stories! Cool encounters! Did you see Matt Smith? Adam Howden? Billy Boyd? Buy anything awesome? Tell me in the comments…
Adam Howden at London Expo 2012
This is Adam Howden. He is at London Comic Con – MCM Expo RIGHT NOW. Why aren’t you there? Click for more information
Captain Devlin Video Cameo Appearance
This is a photo of the Saturday Book Fair at one of the RT BookLovers Conventions. At this one they played book trailers/videos on large screens. See where the arrow is pointing? As it happens THAT IS MY VIDEO they were playing when the photo was taken!! It’s this one…
PAX East 2012 Overview
The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is a cool place. It has animal art installations. Like this horse. And some really big animal art installations. Like this giraffe. And this year it hosted a really big games installation called PAX East. This is PAX East. Well, actually, it’s the showroom…
PAX East 2012: Plot vs Play panel
Here are Ken Levine (Bioshock), Chris Avellone (Fallout: New Vegas), and David Gaider (Dragon Age) speaking about the importance of writing, plot, and game mechanics.
Magical Scottish Fling
If you attended the RT BookLovers’ Convention you know about this year’s Magical Scottish Fling Faery Ball. For those unable to attend, here are some photos, the stage shots courtesy of RT Book Reviews: THE CLAN MACFAE This was our Faery Court for this year; we hosted the party. I’m the one…
That Flu Virus Going Around
So who has been sick recently? Anyone? (Bueller?) I recently caught whatever it is going around and it is TERRIBLE. Truly. It’s on the biologically-engineered-and-weaponized-will-brutally-melee-you-to-the-floor level of terrible. Started coming down with it at the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, so I had the hotel provide me with chicken soup:…