
Captain Devlin Video Cameo Appearance

This is a photo of the Saturday Book Fair at one of the RT BookLovers Conventions. At this one they played book trailers/videos on large screens.  See where the arrow is pointing? As it happens THAT IS MY VIDEO they were playing when the photo was taken!! It’s this one…

Books, Scotland & More in Chicago April 2012

Online registration for the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, April 11 – 15, 2012 is open! Are you going? There’s tons of panels and chats and parties for writers, readers, booksellers and librarians, YA fans, everyone! And of course, book-signings, like the one pictured here. The hotel is the Hyatt…

Kindlegraph – Kindle Autographs for All

Yes, thanks to Kindlegraph, I can now personally autograph your Kindle copies of my books! To request a personal signing, go here:

Giant Book Fair Coming to Los Angeles

When: Saturday April 9 2011 from 11am to 2pm Who: Over 300 authors (including me) will be signing books from all genres. $5 at the door. You can bring your own books to be signed or buy books there. Where: Westin Bonaventure Hotel 404 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles California…

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