This is SUCH a sexy cover! I want this as a poster. Over my bed. 🙂 And so far the book is fantastic, too! Trevor B has really captured the Tenth Doctor – I can totally visualize this as an episode.
I also like how he is handling the Daleks. And the other characters are very well drawn and sympathetic. And there was a Blake’s 7 reference. So I’m a happy camper.
I really liked Judgement of the Judoon, too. Loved how Colin B gave three dimensions to the Judoon commander. Fun read – and this one had a Tintin reference.
I’m also working on The Slitheen Excursion. This one has a bunch of in-jokes for Classics majors. If you know your Greek mythology, your Heroic Age, or even your Mary Renault, you’ll get more out of this. 🙂
Oh, and just in case you thought I was joking – there really are posters of Ten. Just not of this particular artwork. 🙂
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