
Curse of the Vampyr || Series: Books Of Baldur’s Gate III
This book, Curse of the Vampyr, can be found in the library right before the bridge to Minthara. Since Astarion is my game crush, I had to pick it up. Cold beauty? Check.Pale noble? Check.Charming, with a bite mark on his neck? Check. Yep, that’s Astarion. 😊Actually, that’s Cazador. Cazador is Astarion’s vampire…

Hamsters In SPAAAAACE || Series: Books Of Baldur’s Gate III
The Miniature Giant Space Hamster.Now, being a HUGE Bioware fangirl, the first thing I thought of upon reading this was…. Commander Shepard’s SPACE HAMSTER! If you had Space Hamster as a pet in Mass Effect 2, you can find your hamster in Mass Effect 3 as well. Space Hamster is even in…

How Tall is Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3?
On February 2nd, Larian Studios quote tweeted the official Resident Evil twitter account, revealing the height of a certain fan-favorite vampire from their game currently in Early Access, Baldur’s Gate III.Many twitter residents were surprised or saddened to learn Astarion is ‘only’ 5’9″ (or 175 cm). Others considered 5’9 to be…

The Ballad of Darien Gautier
Long, long ago, when Elder Scrolls Online first appeared (2014), I fell in love with a character named Darien Gautier. (Darien is voiced by Jon Curry, of Zevran Arainai fame (he’s also the American-accented Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and you’ve probably heard his voice in a bunch of other…
Interview with NICHOLAS LEA
Interview with Nicholas Lea at DragonCon Sunday 6 September 2015 Periodically I ask People I Really Like if I can interview them for the segment of my website I call The Chatty Cat Cafe. Nicholas Lea being one of those People, I requested an interview at DragonCon. He graciously agreed….
Chatting with Lovecraft about Sex
SCENE: Young, exuberant REPORTER sits opposite quiet, horror-writing legend H.P. LOVECRAFT in a small New England sitting room filled with spindly antique furniture which has seen much use. Reporter: You can’t believe how excited I am to be here. There are so many questions, so many questions, that fans and…
Reminding y’all about Adam Howden (again)
Adam Howden is supposed to be signing at 12pm and he’s on the voice acting panel at 3:30pm. So. Are you at the London Comic Con – MCM Expo? Share pictures! Stories! Cool encounters! Did you see Matt Smith? Adam Howden? Billy Boyd? Buy anything awesome? Tell me in the comments…
Adam Howden at London Expo 2012
This is Adam Howden. He is at London Comic Con – MCM Expo RIGHT NOW. Why aren’t you there? Click for more information
Interview with ADAM HOWDEN
Welcome to The Chatty Cat Cafe! Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know I used to post pet-centered interviews under the Cafe title, back on my old blog. A few of those interviews were saved and appear on my website. But I haven’t done any more….UNTIL NOW….