Too Much Information

The Unexpected Evil of Obesity

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed it took FOUR MONTHS for my sick cat to be correctly diagnosed. Four. Horrible. Months. When I first noticed something amiss, I took my cat to the vet and told them he was losing weight very quickly. They weighed him…

The Cat Who Lived

My cat has cancer. Large cell stomach cancer. Had it been small cell, he’d have a good chance of recovery, they said. But this is large cell. Stop talking about What You Could Have Done If It Were Different and TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH THE REALITY I HAVE,…

Of Cats And Veterinary Health Care Costs

As some of you may know, my cat is sick. He has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow. You know how there’s always people who, when you say, “I’m having my tonsils out.” they say, “I know someone who died from that.” instead of “good luck” or “I’ll be thinking of you”?…

CosPlay Is Killing Creators

So today I was reading this article where the wife of a Star Wars artist blames cosplayers for comic creators not making money at conventions. I must say my first thought was, “Who goes to San Diego Comic-Con for comics?” Which is obviously sad in a way, since it originally…

These are a few of my favorite things…

Jason Spisak property of EniJoi on dA I already posted this epiphany on tumblr. But why not here too, right? I just noticed that many of the drawings of Tom Hiddleston’s Loki that I like best, such as the one above, bear a striking resemblance to Jason Spisak, the voice…

Vulpes and Arcade Plushies

Look what The Last Kiss Of Damaris made for me!!! Are these not the cutest Fallout: New Vegas plushies ever? Arcade’s expression is just so him. And I wanted an uncharacteristically-happy Vulpes Inculta, and there we are. Excuse me while I go Kermit-flail.

That Flu Virus Going Around

So who has been sick recently? Anyone? (Bueller?) I recently caught whatever it is going around and it is TERRIBLE. Truly. It’s on the biologically-engineered-and-weaponized-will-brutally-melee-you-to-the-floor level of terrible. Started coming down with it at the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, so I had the hotel provide me with chicken soup:…

Bag of Holding… Cats

I received many compliments on my Bag of Holding from ThinkGeek at WonderCon. This I kinda expected. It’s stylish, strong, and able to carry everything I need – and then some. What I did not expect is every time I put the bag down, a cat claims it. This messenger…

Litter Shark Saga Continues

I have blogged about the Litter Shark before. My tomcat was suspicious of the litter box for days. He’d sit in the bathroom next to it and watch for it – hours at a time! The box only activates 20 minutes after a cat has used it, so… yeah. Lots…

Cats – Coup by Cuteness

The more adorable photos of cats I see on ICanHasCheezeburger, the more I am convinced cats are the step above humans on the Karma scale. If humans are good and deserving, they come back as cats. That would explain why kitties like to eat human food, sleep like humans, and…

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