Chatty Cat Cafe

Periodically I ask People I Really Like if I can interview them for the segment of my website I call The Chatty Cat Cafe.

Adam Howden

Have you been listening to the audio version of Wicked Beloved and wondered, who is the exceedingly talented and sexy…

Nicholas Lea

Interview with Nicholas Lea at DragonCon  Sunday 6 September 2015 Periodically I ask People I Really Like if I can…

Eden Robins

EDEN ROBINS is the Seelie QUEEN of the Seelie Faery Court.  And she has taken time out of her busy round of royal duties to…

Elizabeth Chadwick

Award-winning historical fiction author Elizabeth Chadwick joins us in The Chatty Cat Cafe today. Here she is receiving the Betty Trask Award from Prince Charles at the palace of Whitehall.  (Is…

The Demon Lord of Kitty Badness

Today’s interview subject in The Chatty Cat Cafe will not be needing a caffeinated beverage. With no further ado, <drum roll> an introduction…

Bertrice Small

We welcome Bertrice Small to The Chatty Cat Cafe today.   How to introduce her… Well, Linda Lael Miller is quoted on the cover of Small’s A Dangerous…

Bernard Cornwell

OMG!  Joining us today is Bernard Cornwell (squeee!).  I can’t believe I’m actually going to converse with him.  [fans self]   Need to get a…

Christa Faust

Joining us in The Chatty Cat Cafe today is Christa Faust, who describes herself on her Very Cool website as “a cynical, hardboiled bitch…

Sharon Kay Penman

Welcome to the Chatty Cat Cafe, where we drink caffeinated beverages and natter with fascinating people.  We are really, truly honored in the…