On Goblins
No, Volo. You are not Jaskier. You cannot seduce everybody. No.
This book is found on the bench in the room where Volothamp Geddarm, the bard known as Volo, is imprisoned by the goblin Gribbo.
She is indeed delighted with his singing, but as she also intends to eat him when she gets bored of him, I believe Volo has severely misinterpreted her interest.
On a related note, apparently there actually are half-goblins in Dungeons & Dragons (the source material for Baldur’s Gate 3). So Volo is not alone in his interest in… ‘marrying’ a goblin. In fact, kudos to him for actually being willing to marry her.
Because… yeah.
Most half-monster (half-orc, half-goblin, etc) children are generally products of rape. They don’t have to be, but it’s acknowledged in D&D descriptions that they probably are.
On the positive side, you could use this backstory to create a complex, multi-dimensional character like Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU.
But as harassment of female players and in-game rapes have been a bit of an ongoing problem for D&D (not just in the Bad Old Days, this is from 2019), dissections of who is having sex with whom and who is raping whom to produce which can be… squicky.
And no, you can’t just ‘not think about it’ because ‘it’s pretend’. Women are very aware of how they get pregnant. Women are very aware of the violence that can be perpetrated against them. If you willfully ignore that reality, even in fiction, you are creating a space that tacitly tells women their lived experiences are secondary to your fun.
So how to deal with this?
Back to goblin marriage rituals.
In Baldur’s Gate 3, goblins are referred to as vermin (by Astarion as I remember) and much is made of how the Absolute has managed to make them a coordinated fighting force. But if you wander amongst the goblins, you’ll note they do seem to have a society. Care and training of children. Male and female warriors of equal standing. Worg buddies.
There’s even a book of poetry. Okay, maybe that one was mostly lewd sketches. But humans are known to underline the “dirty words” in dictionaries so we have no moral high ground here.
If you fight on their side, they like you a lot, regardless of your not being a goblin. You can get a dialogue where one goblin pledges to follow your leadership to the ends of the earth.
So if they experience loyalty, maybe goblins can experience romantic love. Maybe even with non-goblins. And maybe they have marriage ceremonies.
A quick google tells me Clerics can cast a ceremony spell for a wedding in D&D. The goblins have a cleric.
Maybe Volo is on the right path, renovating half-goblin ancestry to include love-matches consecrated through marriage rituals.
Will half-goblin become a playable race in Baldur’s Gate 3? We’ll have to wait and see.
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