Loviatar and Subverting Your Expectations || Series: Books Of Baldur’s Gate III

Once you reach the Goblins’ dungeon, there is a side quest which has little to do with goblins and everything to do with the deep world-building in Baldur’s Gate III. It’s fun, it’s funny, and it’s a bit kinky.

But thanks to the nearby book, it’s also surprisingly compassionate. 
First you have to find Abdirak, devotee of Loviatar. He’s located in the center room, the one to the left of the room with Spike, the goblin Wyll is looking for (so you’ll already be in the dungeon if you’ve recruited Wyll). 
Loviatar is the goddess of pain. So Abdirak is dressed in the Mad Max meets 50 Shades outfit you might expect. There is a nod to S&M etiquette, in that there is a “performance” dialogue choice (you’re yelling stop but you both know you don’t mean it), but otherwise it has no relation to S&M (sort of like 50 Shades 😜). But really, we shouldn’t criticize on those grounds because this isn’t Earth, it’s Faerun. 
If you look at the image of Abdirak below, you’ll see he’s spattered with blood. This is his own blood. 
Which subverts what you might expect in a dungeon, from a man dressed like medieval Marquis de Sade. 
He also has a very sexy voice. If you wish to experience it yourself, press play. 

Yes, Astarion is my favorite companion. How did you guess? *made certain to get all of Astarion’s reactions on video*
So anyway, this is all firmly in the Exploit Sadomasochism For Kicks wheelhouse, right?
Well, if you read Abdirak’s book, The Screed of the Willing  (found on the second to top shelf of his stone bookcase), you will discover it is something else entirely.
“In Loviatar’s name, I ask you to live.”  Loviatar counts all suffering, even the “ache in your soul“.  
So if you’re depressed, don’t give up. Loviatar loves you.
Subverting our expectations, Loviatar is a compassionate, positive goddess. 
For her, pain is associated with life, not death. If you hide from heartbreak, you’ll miss the joys of the world
Embrace your ability to feel pain, it makes you superior to the gods. Only mortals can truly live.
It would have been easy to just plop this scene into a dungeon as a Kinky Encounter, ‘Nuff Said. 
Instead, with this lore book, we get actual reasons why someone might worship Loviatar, how this goddess referred to as the “Mistress of Pain” could be the center of a viable religion, not just a one-off kink. 
And I am here for it. 

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