Still waiting for the Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts.
(Hi, I’m a PS3 owner.)
Reeaaally want to see how Zion looks. I’ve been to Zion IRL. And Bryce Canyon. Have to admit, after Bryce, Zion seemed a bit of a let down. Which isn’t it’s fault. Let me show you.
This is Bryce.
This is Zion.
The approach to Zion, as you can see, is on the floor of the canyon.
The approach to Bryce is on the top, like it is for the Grand Canyon.
Being on the top rim makes it easier to see the magnificence of the place immediately. With Zion, you just can’t appreciate the full scope. You have to go do the trails and get to an overlook. Which we didn’t have time to do. So I’ll definitely have to go back some day.
In any case, it should be a cool setting for Honest Hearts.
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