
Eden Robins at The Chatty Cat Cafe

Posted by Susanne Saville at Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:00 AM

imageEDEN ROBINS is the Seelie QUEEN of the Seelie Faery Court.  And she has taken time out of her busy round of royal duties to stop by The Chatty Cat Cafe for a drink.  image

Welcome, Eden!  What would you like?

I absolutely love a dark, steaming hot cup of coffee in the morning. Just milk please. But get me in the late afternoon and a good, strong cup of Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar to round out my day, or a nice chamomile tea with honey to soothe my nerves is wonderful as well.

Yumm - good choices!  image   Would you please introduce us to your pets while I get the drinks?

I have a houseful, Susanne. Three pugs, one miniature schnauzer and one Springer spaniel.

ACK!! You're kidding!!! I didn't know you had pugs!!!  Pug sister, we need to talk after this.  imagepug
Okay, I'm sorry, please continue.

Mimi: the older female pug, very loving and leader of the pack.

Jasmine: the youngest female pug and quite docile, shy and sweet.

Mr. Biggs: Our only male dog and, as the name implies, quite a big pug, very loving and goofy.

Prissy: Our female mini schnauzer. The oldest of the group, a total lap dog, but also quite protective of the family.

Dali: Our female Springer spaniel. A real sweetheart, very smart, very well trained and lives to retrieve balls, toys, stuffed animals or just about anything you can throw. She’s quite an athlete and very active.

Quite a group!  How did you come up with their names?  Is this similar to the way you find names for use in your stories?

Our pets’ names were more spontaneous then the names I choose for my characters. I really think though my story and its plot before naming my characters.

As far as my pets:

My mom actually named Mimi, just because she liked the sound of it and we did too.

My oldest son named Jasmine, because officially she’s his dog. It was between Jasmine and Aurora. He wanted to pick a really “different” name for his dog.

Mr. Biggs? Well, pretty self-explanatory. He’s just big all over and was the largest in his litter.

Prissy was named due to the way she acts. Very proper and particular about things.

Dali was named after the part of a horse’s saddle that a rope gets tied around. My significant other does Team Roping as a hobby, and she’s officially his dog.

Team roping - cool!   Okay, which of your characters would you say is most like each of your dogs and why?

That’s a hard one. Hmmmm. I’d have to say that most of my heroines are a mix between Mimi and Dali. Very loving and sweet, yet strong. Determined to move forward in their lives and go for what they want. And maybe also a little like Prissy in that they can be quite protective of those they love.

Which of your books would your dogs like best (if they could read) and why?image

Let’s see. Dali would like any book she could fetch and retrieve. Lol!

Mimi would like any of the books in my paranormal fantasy AFTER SUNDOWN series because the women are all strong, leader types, even if they don’t start out that way. image

im,ageJasmine would like my ghost story, YESTERDAY’S PROMISE because it’s my sweetest book.

Prissy would probably prefer the books in my futuristic TOMORROW series because a lot of the plots revolve around family, honor and protecting those you love.image

I think Mr. Biggs would love my Christmas tale, LANDER’S MOON, from the Cerridwen Press paranormal anthology BENEATH A CHRISTMAS MOON because of the shape shifter element involved. Shhhhh! I think Mr. Biggs secretly dreams about being a Great Dane <GRIN>

LOL!  image  Thank you so much for coming over to the Cafe, Eden!  I look forward to meeting you at The Faery Ball.  image
