Damsel is a Word not a Trope
I have noticed lately a trend in which the word “damsel” is used as short-hand to mean “damsel in distress.” As in: “I need you to scream for me.” “Like a damsel?” Or: “I imagined a story where I didn’t have to be the damsel.” This chaps my hide. “Damsel”…
Chatting with Lovecraft about Sex
SCENE: Young, exuberant REPORTER sits opposite quiet, horror-writing legend H.P. LOVECRAFT in a small New England sitting room filled with spindly antique furniture which has seen much use. Reporter: You can’t believe how excited I am to be here. There are so many questions, so many questions, that fans and…
The Unexpected Evil of Obesity
If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed it took FOUR MONTHS for my sick cat to be correctly diagnosed. Four. Horrible. Months. When I first noticed something amiss, I took my cat to the vet and told them he was losing weight very quickly. They weighed him…
Zaftig Is Sexy Too 2
I think this is a beautiful group, and I wish more jobs were given to plus-size models.
I’m With The Band
I’m With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres My rating: 4 of 5 stars Having recently had occasion to use the phrase I’m with the band in actual conversation, I thought I should read this book next. The cover image captures the sexy yet innocent vibe…
Let’s Spend the Night Together
Let’s Spend the Night Together: Backstage Secrets of Rock Muses and Supergroupies by Pamela Des Barres My rating: 3 of 5 stars I found this an interesting and mostly fun read. Each chapter of the book is devoted to a SuperGroupie – a gal who knew what she wanted, went…
First Massachusetts Coffee License
Look! It’s a piece of coffee history, one of my favorite kinds of history. And the honor of possessing the first coffee & chocolate license in Massachusetts – possibly in the colonies – goes to a woman: Dorothy Jones in 1670. Yay for enterprising colonial women who know the value…
Perspiration Is Serious Business
From: http://gogd.tjs-labs.com
Solving Bioshock Cats on National Cat Day
Today, October 29, is National Cat Day and to celebrate I shall share with you a partial SOLUTION to the BIOSHOCK Cats Mystery. Including cats for the player to discover actually IS a game-within-the-game. While it is still unknown who originally designed the black-and-white cat and put him/her in the…