
Curse of the Vampyr || Series: Books Of Baldur’s Gate III
This book, Curse of the Vampyr, can be found in the library right before the bridge to Minthara. Since Astarion is my game crush, I had to pick it up. Cold beauty? Check.Pale noble? Check.Charming, with a bite mark on his neck? Check. Yep, that’s Astarion. 😊Actually, that’s Cazador. Cazador is Astarion’s vampire…
Sound Clip from Vampire Close If you’re interested: here’s the audio book on Audible
Looking for Something New to Read?
My historical paranormal romance Dance Macabre has been chosen as one of their FREE Amazon promo books by my publisher Decadent Publishing! Whoot!! Consequently, if you ever even thought about trying one of my books, the time is NOW as it’s only FREE ON AMAZON for the rest of THIS…
Excerpt from Dance Macabre
London 1897 Lily Rafferty would never become accustomed to unfamiliar men embracing her in public. She stiffened involuntarily, but if he noticed her reluctance, it did not dampen her partner’s enthusiasm. Seizing her body, he pulled her away from the relative safety of the shadowed wall. His careless speed gave…
Decadent Publishing Releases Dance Macabre
Please enjoy this Book Video advertising my newly re-released historical paranormal romance short story DANCE MACABRE available wherever ebooks are sold from Decadent Publishing. While it is cheapest to purchase from the publisher (above), you can also purchase: From Smashwords – all file types From All Romance eBooks – most…
Vampires are…rapey?
As a vampire romance author, I find this clip from Supernatural ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! I think you will, too. 🙂