
So You Want to Write a Novel

Cyber Launch Party: Celebrating A New Release For Susanne Saville

Cyber Launch Party: Celebrating A New Release For Susanne Saville: “Today we’re celebrating the release of Susanne Saville’s HIDDEN HISTORY OF SALEM.Susanne enjoys caffeine – especially in coffee and tea, tra…”

RomErotica Writers: NaNoWriMo – Fantastic Idea or the Devil?

RomErotica Writers: NaNoWriMo – Fantastic Idea or the Devil?

Witch Hunt

A group of females start identifying witches in their village. A fearful mob seizes the accused and tortures them. There are underlying suspicions that the accused women may have been targeted for their land and money.Salem in 1692?Or India in 2009?From BBC NEWS:”Five women were paraded naked, beaten and forced…

Secret Hunter Book Trailer

Captain Devlin’s Captive Trailer

Vampire Close Book Trailer

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