
Interview with ADAM HOWDEN

Welcome to The Chatty Cat Cafe! Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know I used to post pet-centered interviews under the Cafe title, back on my old blog. A few of those interviews were saved and appear on my website. But I haven’t done any more….UNTIL NOW….

Coffee vs Tea

Hidden History of Salem Video with New Soundtrack

I have re-done my HIDDEN HISTORY OF SALEM book-teaser because MY BOOK INSPIRED A SONG and that is just too cool not to share: Buy the book!  You’ll like it. Click here  There’s real history plus cool obscure facts plus ghost cats and candy and coffee and romance and a…

Colonial Coffee House

Guess what the newest exhibit at Colonial Williamsburg is – a coffee house!From The Washington Post:”Now [Williamsburg] is home to the modest Charlton’s Coffeehouse, built from scratch on historic foundations and billed as the only 18th-century coffeehouse in America.””At some point in the 1760s a young immigrant named Richard Charlton…

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