Cas in Roman Costume. Because Yum.
Cas in Roman costume by euclase on deviantART
Vampires are…rapey?
As a vampire romance author, I find this clip from Supernatural ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! I think you will, too. 🙂
Jensen Ackles on Set of Supernatural
Go here for more lovely pics: Note that his shirt is no longer tucked in! Yay! (inside joke, sorry)
Supernatural Soundtrack – Finally!
You knew I had to share this, right? 🙂
Which SPN Character Are You?
Which Supernatural Character Are You? More on Supernatural. Created by BuddyTV
Which SPN Weapon Would You Use?
Which Supernatural Weapon Would You Use? More on Supernatural. Created by BuddyTV
Supernatural Cheer
I found this on YouTube and thought it was sweet, so to tide us over until next season, take it away, boys!