
*cough* Pre-Order Alert *cough*

I’ll just leave this here:

Cas in Roman Costume. Because Yum.

Cas in Roman costume by euclase on deviantART

Roman Intaglios

Aren’t these gorgeous? They are ancient Roman intaglios — tiny gemstones for rings or other jewelry. A person hand carved these figures into the stone. No laser. No sophisticated magnifying device. See how tiny? I love these. The craftsmanship amazes me. You can see many of these intaglios at the…

Roman Dice Tower

“You can just see the dice tower on the table, it has a little set of stairs for the dice to roll down.” – @RomanCaerleon, This device prevented cheating by providing a uniform way by which the dice were thrown.

Roman Chariot Pug

Copyright ClaireLynn This wonderful Roman chariot pug was part of Portland Oregon’s PUGLANDIA event, which was held May 22, 2011 and raised funds for the Oregon Humane Society. Click here for more of ClaireLynn’s adorable Puglandia photos.

Roman Sweet Cheese Cake

This blog post is from: Sweet Cheese Cake but not as we know it…. You will need: 130 grams plain flour 250 grams ricotta cheese 1 egg 4 bay leaves 4 tablespoons of clear honey Serves 4 Libum to be made as follows: 2 lb cheese well crushed in a…

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