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Review of Desert Tryst from Audible UK

I just discovered that a lovely person named Jumime wrote a fantastic review of Desert Tryst on Audible UK and it is just so perfect that I am going to share it with y’all: “Short+Sweet+Hot, like a chilli Chocolate Brownie!” Would you consider the audio edition of Desert Tryst to…

AudioFile Review of Desert Tryst

Why, look! A *lovely* review of DESERT TRYST in AudioFile Magazine! *much happy dancing ensues* “Narrator Greg Tremblay impressively portrays the two men in alternating chapters.” “…the buildup to their belief in each other and passionate love is satisfying for listeners to hear. The New Mexico desert provides an evocative…

Listener Reviews for WICKED BELOVED

Listening to @a_howdz read Wicked Beloved by @susannesaville is porn for my ears. Sooooo hot. — Christy (@spacelovinggirl) September 29, 2012 @susannesaville @a_howdz I am a puddle on the floor. Your writing is really fantastic. Such great characters as always. Your delivery is 😀 — Emma Stockburn (@estockburn) September 28,…

I’m With The Band

I’m With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres My rating: 4 of 5 stars Having recently had occasion to use the phrase I’m with the band in actual conversation, I thought I should read this book next. The cover image captures the sexy yet innocent vibe…

Let’s Spend the Night Together

Let’s Spend the Night Together: Backstage Secrets of Rock Muses and Supergroupies by Pamela Des Barres My rating: 3 of 5 stars I found this an interesting and mostly fun read. Each chapter of the book is devoted to a SuperGroupie – a gal who knew what she wanted, went…

If Bioshock’s Andrew Ryan Wrote Sleaze

Man-Hungry Female by Orrie Hitt My rating: 1 of 5 stars Had Bioshock’s Andrew Ryan decided to write down his Ayn-Rand-ish diatribes on the wonders of unfettered capitalism, and sprinkle the narration with a few drinking binges and the ogling of girls, it would have been this book. There is…

How Do You GoodReads?

How many of you are on GoodReads? Or any of the few other sites that allow you to keep track of what you’ve read and share your reviews with friends? I’m on GoodReads and I’ve got a question for ya:  Do you only rate books you’ve read recently? Or within…

Review Etiquette

Every once in a while, you hear about an author who responded nastily to a negative review. This is generally regarded as a good time to get popcorn and lurk for the lulz, because those situations never end well for the author. Never. So my advice to authors is ignore…

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