Question of the Day
Chatting with Lovecraft about Sex
SCENE: Young, exuberant REPORTER sits opposite quiet, horror-writing legend H.P. LOVECRAFT in a small New England sitting room filled with spindly antique furniture which has seen much use. Reporter: You can’t believe how excited I am to be here. There are so many questions, so many questions, that fans and…
Zaftig Is Sexy Too 2
I think this is a beautiful group, and I wish more jobs were given to plus-size models.
Twenty-Five Acts
Houston, we have a problem. Okay. So I’m watching Law & Order SVU, which is one of my favorite shows. I’ve watched all the episodes. ALL OF THEM. And I’m enjoying the new actors this season. Got nothing against the show. This week’s episode – Twenty-Five Acts – was about the…
eBook Prices
How do you put a value on a digital book? It doesn’t seem like this should be the conundrum it is. Paper books are priced to cover the amount it cost to produce them plus a markup for both the publisher’s and the bookseller’s profit. Ebooks should be priced the…
Identify The Tanks
One of my best friends can name every tank in this picture. Can you?
That Flu Virus Going Around
So who has been sick recently? Anyone? (Bueller?) I recently caught whatever it is going around and it is TERRIBLE. Truly. It’s on the biologically-engineered-and-weaponized-will-brutally-melee-you-to-the-floor level of terrible. Started coming down with it at the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, so I had the hotel provide me with chicken soup:…
How Do You GoodReads?
How many of you are on GoodReads? Or any of the few other sites that allow you to keep track of what you’ve read and share your reviews with friends? I’m on GoodReads and I’ve got a question for ya: Do you only rate books you’ve read recently? Or within…
Zaftig is Sexy Too
Here I am, in my long underwear because winter is chilly, waiting for my coffee to awaken me of a morning. Well, no, obviously this isn’t really me. It’s Hilda, the recurring character drawn by artist Duane Bryers. I found these images on tumblr but I’m pretty certain they came…
Review Etiquette
Every once in a while, you hear about an author who responded nastily to a negative review. This is generally regarded as a good time to get popcorn and lurk for the lulz, because those situations never end well for the author. Never. So my advice to authors is ignore…
Pointing Out the Emperor’s (lack of) Clothes
Say you’re reading a new non-fiction book. Say you’ve met the author. Say the topic is a special subject of yours. Not that you, like, obsess over it. Much. Not enough to make your relatives worried. You’ve just read every single piece of primary source material that you can find….