
*cough* Pre-Order Alert *cough*

I’ll just leave this here:

Salem Tales

It’s Halloween. And when many people think Halloween, they think Salem, Massachusetts. Because it’s basically our Mardi Gras. Want to know practically everything there is to know about Salem? From witches to how a Salem boy became a Chinese god, to where the Murder of the Century occurred, and including…

Looking for Something New to Read?

My historical paranormal romance Dance Macabre has been chosen as one of their FREE Amazon promo books by my publisher Decadent Publishing! Whoot!!  Consequently, if you ever even thought about trying one of my books, the time is NOW as it’s only FREE ON AMAZON for the rest of THIS…

Dance Macabre – 99 cent SALE

TEMPORARY SALE!! Dance Macabre is only 99 cents at Amazon!! Check it out:

Witches of Salem

Witches have become an intrinsic part of Salem, Massachusetts. You don’t see ads like the above anymore, of course. Although that sort of positive, Witches Can Help philosophy is much present. Very unlike the ad I describe in HIDDEN HISTORY OF SALEM (an ad that uses the hanging of Salem…

Set Sail For Horror

I commissioned Francesco Francavilla for something Lovecraftian with cats and this is the fabulous, wickedly brilliant picture he created for me!!! So I thought I’d share it with you, since it is Halloween-time. You can commission him, too, by the way. And follow him on Twitter.

Excerpt from Dance Macabre

London 1897  Lily Rafferty would never become accustomed to unfamiliar men embracing her in public. She stiffened involuntarily, but if he noticed her reluctance, it did not dampen her partner’s enthusiasm. Seizing her body, he pulled her away from the relative safety of the shadowed wall. His careless speed gave…

Decadent Publishing Releases Dance Macabre

Please enjoy this Book Video advertising my newly re-released historical paranormal romance short story  DANCE MACABRE  available wherever ebooks are sold  from Decadent Publishing. While it is cheapest to purchase from the publisher (above), you can also purchase: From Smashwords – all file types From All Romance eBooks – most…

Dance Macabre Banner

Historical Paranormal Romance set in London. Coming October 21st from Decadent Publishing. You know you want it.   😉

Hidden History of Salem Video with New Soundtrack

I have re-done my HIDDEN HISTORY OF SALEM book-teaser because MY BOOK INSPIRED A SONG and that is just too cool not to share: Buy the book!  You’ll like it. Click here  There’s real history plus cool obscure facts plus ghost cats and candy and coffee and romance and a…

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