
May The Dread Wolf Take You

                           May the Dread Wolf take you… Inquisitor: And he did. Solas: No I didn’t. I’d never have sex with you under false pretenses. Inquisitor: Yeah, you didn’t TAKE me—like you PROMISED, by the way—instead you TOOK ME…

Is Bioware Giving Us FanFic Prompts?

I giggled when I heard the surgeon NPC say this. Surely someone, somewhere has used this as a smutty literature fanfic prompt? I just adore Bioware. (And Dragon Age.) (Sorry it’s so dark, but it’s the words that are important.)

Chatting with Lovecraft about Sex

SCENE: Young, exuberant REPORTER sits opposite quiet, horror-writing legend H.P. LOVECRAFT in a small New England sitting room filled with spindly antique furniture which has seen much use.  Reporter: You can’t believe how excited I am to be here. There are so many questions, so many questions, that fans and…

Vulpes and Arcade Plushies

Look what The Last Kiss Of Damaris made for me!!! Are these not the cutest Fallout: New Vegas plushies ever? Arcade’s expression is just so him. And I wanted an uncharacteristically-happy Vulpes Inculta, and there we are. Excuse me while I go Kermit-flail.

Yet more Vulpes and Arcade Freeside fanart

:Boys-Love Warning: Vulpes/Arcade by *doubleleaf on deviantART I commissioned this What Happens In Freeside-esque image from doubleleaf on dA. It hasn’t even been up 24 hours and it’s already gotten over 11,000 views! This is due to her skill as an artist, of course. But I have gotten emails from…

What Happens In Freeside Available as PDF or Mobi

Yes, I have converted What Happens In Freeside Stays (the first story in the What Happens In Freeside fanfic universe) to pdf and mobi (for Kindle readers). Just scroll to the bottom of the Books page on my website and there it is. Enjoy! For those of you who don’t know,…

Vulpes + Veronica = ?

A while back I saw a prompt on the Fallout kmeme to write Vulpes/Veronica and took it as a challenge to see if it could be done and still stay true to the characters’ motives and persuasions. The result was THIS. In the ensuing discussion of the fic on the…

Vulpes and Arcade Art Additional

you can’t rock legion clothes by *Mikkynga on deviantART Let me try it on by ~Sa-Di-Ka on deviantART Somehow I missed posting these earlier. Are they fantastically awesomesauce or what?  Much love to the artists!!!

Vulcade Rules

I love Chris Avellone. Seriously. He is the coolest dude. And I shall now believe in my heart of hearts that Vulpes/Arcade is canon. (FYI: The link in the above tweet I sent goes to THIS post) Everything is Vulcade and nothing hurts!! You would not believe the squeee-ing and…

New Vulpes and Arcade Artwork!

This splendiferous, fabulous, totally awesome piece of What Happens In Freeside Stays Vulpes/Arcade art was created by ROUTA. Go watch her tumblr because she ROCKS!!

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