Dragon Age
May The Dread Wolf Take You
May the Dread Wolf take you… Inquisitor: And he did. Solas: No I didn’t. I’d never have sex with you under false pretenses. Inquisitor: Yeah, you didn’t TAKE me—like you PROMISED, by the way—instead you TOOK ME…
The Truth Is Out There (And Loghain Knows It)
So y’all already know I’m re-playing (for the umpteenth time) Dragon Age: Inquisition. Whenever you begin a game, there are a few training quests you have to do, to familiarize the player with how everything works. One of these quests involves the quartermaster, Threnn. Threnn is a Loghain supporter. In…
Not Even The Dwarves Remember The Dwarves quote (plus NUGS) Dragon Age: …
I just like this clip because of the truth of the lore. No one alive remembers the Deep Roads at their height, thus even the dwarves don’t remember the dwarves. And nugs! Nugs are always brilliant.
Is Bioware Giving Us FanFic Prompts?
I giggled when I heard the surgeon NPC say this. Surely someone, somewhere has used this as a smutty literature fanfic prompt? I just adore Bioware. (And Dragon Age.) (Sorry it’s so dark, but it’s the words that are important.)
Vivienne’s Victory (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Recently I decided to replay Dragon Age: Inquisition and, amazingly, since I’ve played it through SOOOOO many times (over 20 and I stopped counting), I’m actually finding new cut-scenes. For example, I never got this scene before, so thought I’d share in case anyone else was like me. I generally…
Adam Howden at London Expo 2012
This is Adam Howden. He is at London Comic Con – MCM Expo RIGHT NOW. Why aren’t you there? Click for more information
Interview with ADAM HOWDEN
Welcome to The Chatty Cat Cafe! Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know I used to post pet-centered interviews under the Cafe title, back on my old blog. A few of those interviews were saved and appear on my website. But I haven’t done any more….UNTIL NOW….
PAX East 2012: Plot vs Play panel
Here are Ken Levine (Bioshock), Chris Avellone (Fallout: New Vegas), and David Gaider (Dragon Age) speaking about the importance of writing, plot, and game mechanics.