
Of Hatch New Mexico, Chiles, and Cheese

image from You know you’re a local New Mexican when the waiter can ask you “Red or green?” after your breakfast order and you know exactly what he’s talking about.  He’s talking about chiles.  Do you want red chile or green chile? Yes, chile sauce can be served at breakfast….

That Flu Virus Going Around

So who has been sick recently? Anyone? (Bueller?) I recently caught whatever it is going around and it is TERRIBLE. Truly. It’s on the biologically-engineered-and-weaponized-will-brutally-melee-you-to-the-floor level of terrible. Started coming down with it at the RT BookLovers’ Convention in Chicago, so I had the hotel provide me with chicken soup:…

Instantaneous Chocolate

I love old advertisements. It’s inevitable that when I’m researching one thing, I go off on tangents because I’ve discovered something else. This time it’s: INSTANTANEOUS CHOCOLATE – THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. Yes, I’d support instant cocoa as one of the wonders of the modern age, especially the…

World of Coffee

Caffeine Poster

How to tell your Latte from your Cafe Breve

Ziggy’s Pumpkin Pie

One of my favorite things about Autumn is pumpkin pie. Does this look delicious or what? This was the pie we bought last year from Ziggy’s. (Seconds before it was devoured.) We’re buying two this year. Nom nom nom…

Fried Dough in Salem

Haunted Happenings time in Salem and that means FRIED DOUGH! I love fried dough. I also love the Yankee plain-speaking brevity that makes a person call it as they see it. While elsewhere in the United States these delicious treats are known by fantastically romantic names like Dragon Ears or…

Roman Sweet Cheese Cake

This blog post is from: Sweet Cheese Cake but not as we know it…. You will need: 130 grams plain flour 250 grams ricotta cheese 1 egg 4 bay leaves 4 tablespoons of clear honey Serves 4 Libum to be made as follows: 2 lb cheese well crushed in a…

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