
Interview with NICHOLAS LEA

Interview with Nicholas Lea at DragonCon  Sunday 6 September 2015 Periodically I ask People I Really Like if I can interview them for the segment of my website I call The Chatty Cat Cafe.  Nicholas Lea being one of those People, I requested an interview at DragonCon. He graciously agreed….

Which profession drinks the most coffee?

Zaftig is Sexy Too

Here I am, in my long underwear because winter is chilly, waiting for my coffee to awaken me of a morning. Well, no, obviously this isn’t really me. It’s Hilda, the recurring character drawn by artist Duane Bryers. I found these images on tumblr but I’m pretty certain they came…

Coffee vs Tea

Weird Uses for Coffee

So, wanna do other things with your coffee besides drink it?  Me neither.  But here are some theoretical uses for your coffee, from Yahoo Shine: Reduce cellulite Pricey cellulite creams almost always have one major ingredient in common: caffeine, which supposedly enhances fat metabolism, reducing the appearance of these fatty pockets…

World of Coffee

First Massachusetts Coffee License

Look! It’s a piece of coffee history, one of my favorite kinds of history. And the honor of possessing the first coffee & chocolate license in Massachusetts – possibly in the colonies – goes to a woman:  Dorothy Jones in 1670. Yay for enterprising colonial women who know the value…

Caffeine Poster

Fun Coffee Facts

While I disagree with Seattle being the best coffee city solely because Starbucks started there, the rest of this graphic is pretty cool.

How to tell your Latte from your Cafe Breve

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