Instantaneous Chocolate
I love old advertisements. It’s inevitable that when I’m researching one thing, I go off on tangents because I’ve discovered something else. This time it’s: INSTANTANEOUS CHOCOLATE – THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. Yes, I’d support instant cocoa as one of the wonders of the modern age, especially the…
First Massachusetts Coffee License
Look! It’s a piece of coffee history, one of my favorite kinds of history. And the honor of possessing the first coffee & chocolate license in Massachusetts – possibly in the colonies – goes to a woman: Dorothy Jones in 1670. Yay for enterprising colonial women who know the value…
Colonial Coffee House
Guess what the newest exhibit at Colonial Williamsburg is – a coffee house!From The Washington Post:”Now [Williamsburg] is home to the modest Charlton’s Coffeehouse, built from scratch on historic foundations and billed as the only 18th-century coffeehouse in America.””At some point in the 1760s a young immigrant named Richard Charlton…