
The Reason There Are No Dogs Allowed In Baldur’s Gate (Baldur’s Gate 3)
If you are playing Baldur’s Gate III Early Access, as I am, you will have noticed in Patch 4 there is a new scene with Lae’zel and that adorable tiefling couple. The tieflings are talking about having a cat as a pet, since dogs aren’t allowed in the city of…
Conversation I Had With My Cat Tonight
Me: Why aren’t you eating your canned food? Cat: It’s in my orange dish. Me: … And? Cat: The canned food goes on my white plate. Treats go in my orange dish. This canned food is in my orange dish. It is not a treat. Me: But you love your…
The Unexpected Evil of Obesity
If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed it took FOUR MONTHS for my sick cat to be correctly diagnosed. Four. Horrible. Months. When I first noticed something amiss, I took my cat to the vet and told them he was losing weight very quickly. They weighed him…
The Cat Who Lived
My cat has cancer. Large cell stomach cancer. Had it been small cell, he’d have a good chance of recovery, they said. But this is large cell. Stop talking about What You Could Have Done If It Were Different and TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH THE REALITY I HAVE,…
Of Cats And Veterinary Health Care Costs
As some of you may know, my cat is sick. He has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow. You know how there’s always people who, when you say, “I’m having my tonsils out.” they say, “I know someone who died from that.” instead of “good luck” or “I’ll be thinking of you”?…
Historical Cat and Dog Cuddling
I love the stuff one can find when researching in old newspapers. I also love that humans have been fascinated by cats and dogs cuddling for centuries. This would have been on I Can Has Cheezburger if it took place today.
Anecdote of a Cat – Edinburgh – 1821
Kitty to the rescue.
PinUp Cats
What drives the internet more than sexy girls and cats? NOTHING! So let’s put those two things together: Cats posing like pin-up models!
Hot Men With Black Cats
Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead with a black cat Adam Howden (voice actor for Anders in Dragon Age 2 and many other voices, like the Ostagar Prisoner, in Dragon Age Origins) is known to have two black cats. One of whom is Goose: This is Adam Howden: There is also:…