
PAX East 2012 Overview

The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is a cool place. It has animal art installations. Like this horse. And some really big animal art installations. Like this giraffe. And this year it hosted a really big games installation called PAX East. This is PAX East. Well, actually, it’s the showroom…

PAX East 2012: Plot vs Play panel

Here are Ken Levine (Bioshock), Chris Avellone (Fallout: New Vegas), and David Gaider (Dragon Age) speaking about the importance of writing, plot, and game mechanics.

If Bioshock’s Andrew Ryan Wrote Sleaze

Man-Hungry Female by Orrie Hitt My rating: 1 of 5 stars Had Bioshock’s Andrew Ryan decided to write down his Ayn-Rand-ish diatribes on the wonders of unfettered capitalism, and sprinkle the narration with a few drinking binges and the ogling of girls, it would have been this book. There is…

Solving Bioshock Cats on National Cat Day

Today, October 29, is National Cat Day and to celebrate I shall share with you a partial SOLUTION to the BIOSHOCK Cats Mystery. Including cats for the player to discover actually IS a game-within-the-game. While it is still unknown who originally designed the black-and-white cat and put him/her in the…

Schrodinger the Cat

I stand corrected – there IS a named cat in Bioshock 2. I was scavenging in the frozen Imago gallery, melting things – as you will when you’re scavenging, and I melted a pile of ice to discover another Bioshock cat. This one was upright, not tipped over. Like a…

Cats in Minerva’s Den

The mystery of Bioshock’s cats deepens…. Okay, if you follow this blog, you know that there is one specific dead cat populating both the original Bioshock and Bioshock 2. No dogs, no other cats. Just one black & white kitty who can be discovered in corners all over Rapture. And…

Bioshock Cats UPDATE

For all of you who have wondered about the prevalence of dead cats – or rather, one dead cat in particular – in Bioshock, the mystery continues…. Remember my blog post about this cat in original Bioshock? Well, the same cat appears in Bioshock 2. And this time, I have…

We all live in a … underwater city that’s not actually yellow

Welcome to Rapture, the underwater city where Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are set. Although this is one of those Utopias Gone Very, Very Wrong, let’s pretend for a moment that Rapture actually turned out okay. It’s beautiful, little bathyspheres float you around to different areas, there’s lots of lights and…

Bioshock Dead Cats

I’m playing Bioshock (the first one) on my PS3. I’m trotting around. Shooting stuff. Evolving. Y’know how it is. And I notice there are a lot of dead cats strewn about the place. Not in piles or anything. And not gory, either. In fact, unlike the people, they look completely…

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