1603 James VI of Scotland inherits the English throne when Queen Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen, dies without children. He becomes known as James I as he is the first King James of England. If you’re familiar with King James’ Bible (1611), this is that King James. England and Scotland now share the same ruler.
1685 James VII of Scotland, II of England, inherits the crown when his brother Charles II dies. James VII is a staunch Catholic, which is a perceived problem since as King he is the head of the Protestant Church of England. But since his two daughters from his first marriage are Protestant, the people are willing to suffer through him, waiting for his Protestant daughters to inherit.
1688 The Glorious Revolution. James VII’s second wife, also a Catholic, gives birth to a son. Now England is stuck with a Catholic dynasty, as a son’s claim to the throne supersedes a daughter’s. The English revolt. James VII and his family flee to France. James’ vacant throne is offered to his eldest Protestant daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange. William and Mary are widely accepted as the new rulers of both England and Scotland, although some Scots are still partial to the Stuarts, a dynasty that had ruled Scotland since 1371. Supporters of King James call themselves Jacobites after the Latin word for James (Jacobus).
1689 First Jacobite Rebellion. Viscount Dundee, ‘Bonnie Dundee,’ raises the loyal clans to fight for James VII. Dundee’s death in battle is one of the reasons the rebellion fails.
1701 James VII dies. Jacobites believe his Catholic son, James Edward, should inherit the throne as James VIII (and James III of England).
1701 Act of Settlement. England legislates that after Mary’s sister, Princess Anne (and her descendents, if she has any), the next person in line for the English crown is a distantly-related German princess. This blocks James Edward from ever obtaining his inheritance.
1707 Act of Union. Scotland officially becomes one country with England, losing its separate crown and separate Parliament. Thus James Edward is shut out of Scotland, as well.
1708 An attempt by James Edward to land in Scotland and raise the clans is foiled by bad weather and the Royal Navy.
1714 Queen Anne dies. Although she gave birth to seventeen children, not one survived. (Can you imagine the poor woman’s grief?) The crown would have gone to the German princess referred to earlier but she had already died. The crown instead goes to her son, George of Hanover. He is proclaimed King George I.
1715 The Great Rising. The Earl of Mar, ‘Bobbing John,’ raises the clans for James III.
1716 Lack of a decisive win, poor leadership, and general bad luck leads to the Rising’s collapse. Executions, forfeitures, and transportation to colonial plantations follow for defeated Jacobites.
1719 The Little Rising. Jacobites lose their ammunition and supplies when the Royal Navy bombards and captures Eilean Donan Castle. With low turnout and losses in battle, the Rising disbands.
1720 Charles Edward, son of James Edward, is born. To Jacobites, as he is son to King James III, Charles Edward is a prince.
1745 The ’45. ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ raises the Jacobite standard in Glenfinnan. Victorious in battle, and blessed by good luck, the Jacobite army advances into England…unfortunately without consolidating control of Scotland first. By December, they reach Derby, only 130 miles from London. Winter is closing in, however, and they have received no support from France and little support from English Jacobites. Charles’ advisors convince him to withdraw to Scotland. Their success begins to unravel.
1746 The Jacobite army engages Government troops under the command of the Duke of Cumberland on Culloden Moor. The Rising ends in a bloodbath. Jacobites will refer to the Duke as ‘Butcher’ Cumberland for his appalling post-battle treatment of prisoners and the wounded. Bonnie Prince Charlie escapes to France. Barbaric executions, forfeitures, and transportation to the plantations are visited upon his followers. Tartan and the kilt are outlawed.
1766 James Edward dies. In Jacobite eyes, Charles Edward becomes King Charles III.
1782 The ban on tartan and the kilt is rescinded.
1788 Charles Edward dies, and the Jacobite cause dies with him.
1822 King George IV goes to Scotland wearing a kilt — made of Royal Stuart tartan, no less.